I need your help identifying the lovely ladies in this photo taken winter of 2013!
Have been unable to find any info on this photograph. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

I need your help identifying the lovely ladies in this photo with me taken March of 2015.
Have been unable to find any info on this photograph. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

I need your help identifying the lovely woman in this photo with me!
Have been unable to find any info on this photograph. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Although, I do know it was taken at the opening night party for the Broadway revival of Orphans April of 2013.

I need help identifying the lovely ladies in this photo with me takenNovember of 2010
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Me and Lita

Bill Hoag
Fellow Thespian and sometimes doppelgänger

Chet Payne
We met at McSorley’s and curiously made several more stops with him and Ernie Strauss before calling it a night. Or was it morning…?

Georgette Gebara and friend
Lebanese Prima Ballerina, National Treasure and Arts Patron

Edrie Means
Fellow Cast Member MY FAIR LADY Kennedy Center Gala

Juilliard Drama Division Group 15 Reunion 2018
Christina Haag, Mark Philpot, Kim Dunbar, me, Michael Weiss, Rene Rivera (who graciously hosted at his beautiful home), Jonathan Nichols, Michael Beach and offspring.

Karen Schwartz-Brasch
Fellow MICHIGAN Alumn, Sophshow Alumn and Ad Exec who hired me to do a Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial in the Detroit area MANY moons ago.

The BEST Blue Bloods security guard

Laura Michelle Kelly
MY FAIR LADY Kennedy Center Gala Rehearsal

Daniel Kirkley, Stevie Boothe, Matt Chiasson
One of at least one hundred visits to the late great Tortilla Flats in NYC.

Tom Randolph
Wayne Memorial High School 20 Year Reunion

Tiger Thiel
Fellow Camp Akiba Staff Alumn

Josh Brasch
Backstage at BILLY ELLIOT

Christine Barry

Vicki and John Cross
Fellow Michiganders and Royal Caribbean Cruise Passengers
David Hurley
Native Cork
Manager at Crave in Mount Pleasant, SC
The ONLY place for late night food in Mount Pleasant!

Katie and Levi
The most loving couple and outstanding kitchen staff at CRAVE.

Abbie Hawk & Michael Nouri
Attending a CBS magazine press event

Agron Mettis
Manager/Maitre’d at Sardis
Agron has met every woman I ever dated since 1988!

Al Mozisek
Tremendous friend and patron of the arts. Husband of Sid Seidenberger

Andrea, Claudine and Patrick LeGros
This photo was taken in my room at The EDITION Hotel in NYC. The LeGros family lives in Dijon, France. We all met when Andrea and our Zachary were about two years old and flirting with each other across the aisle at the Hometown Buffet in Westchester, near LAX. The LeGros’ spoke very little English, we even less French. But since that fateful meeting, we have managed to get together in Orlando, and at least twice in NYC. They are truly a family of world travelers. We get together whenever itineraries sync up. Patrick is a chef, Claudine a nurse and Andrea is currently employed as nanny in northern California. WONDERFUL people. Their cousin owns http://www.ladijonaise.com in Culver City. Coincidentally.

Anthony and Jennifer Dent
Dear DEAR friends from Medford Lakes, NJ. I where a hat that Ant signed one of the many years he was MLCC course champion. They have devoted their careers to education.

Barry Rohrssen and John Calipari
Barry “Slice” Rohrssen was my boss when I was a cocktail waiter at The Limelight in the ‘80’s. John was Barry’s boss when they both coached at Kentucky. This photo was take after midnight near Rock Plaza when John texted Barry he was doing a Dunkin Donuts coffee run, did he want to meet him? Barry was my date at the Only Make Believe Gala November 2016.

Bill & AmySpurlin, JoannSurma, ReneeSeccombe, AlyssaLucas
Beloved fellow Wayne Memorial Zebras!!!

Bob Clohessy, Abbie Hawk NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill, Chief Terence Monahan
NAPO Top Cop Awards 2018 Washington, DC

Braintree PD's Finest
FBI-Leeda Conference 2017 Jacksonville, FL
This picture was taken just days after the majority of these heroes had a brother wounded during a raid back in Braintree. I had the tremendous honor of speaking with the wounded officer via video chat the final day of this conference and then meeting him IN PERSON during Police Week in Washington DC the following year. These guys are amazing. The BEST! Truly. And SO much fun! They brought me along for some serious pranks late one night at the expense of one of their brothers. I’m pretty sure the video lives somewhere on my FB profile. What a privilege to meet these guys.

Broadway Books First Class
Gary Wellbrock is an early childhood educator at a dual language (American Sign Language and English) school in New York City teaching deaf, hard of hearing and hearing children from diverse backgrounds and founder of Broadway Books First Class.

Cara Campbell
Animal Advocate, Environmental Activist, dear friend, wife of Gary Hecker -American Airlinse Pilot. My mentor on saving the planet.

The late great Carole Shelley
Celebrating one of the many performance milestones at BILLY ELLIOT.